1 large onion
1 large eggplant
2 green pinientos
1 zucchini
4 potatoes
crushed tomatoes
1 bay leaf, salt and brown sugar
Olive oil
In a pot, put garlic to fry in olive oil, pour the tomato puree and cook with 2 bay leaves, salt and sugar to make a homemade tomato sauce. (I sometimes add a carrot chunks in tomato not to add sugar, besides giving you more creaminess to the sauce)
While the tomatoes are cooked, cut all vegetables into slices and washed.
We will continue frying vegetables, this time the onion slices and place it over the potatoes.
We continue with zucchini, frying, salting and put on the onion. Proceed with eggplant, fry, add salt and bring to the zucchini.
To finish fry green peppers previously cutted into pieces, add some salt and put it on the rest of vegetables.
When all the vegetables are cooked, cover with tomato sauce, pressing with a spatula all the vegetables to the sauce and have absorvan aspect of cake.
Place everything in a medium oven 15 minutes for the flavors to mix and then let stand before serving to increase the flavor.
This dish is eaten in Mallorca both hot and cold in summer.